Wednesday 28 February 2018

Tackling your workload from a positive place.

Tackling workload from a positive place

'Where do I start?' You may ask yourself! (Talking Heads Once in a lifetime)

 Are you constantly replaying reasons not to do something inside your head? This is the first sign that you are beginning to feel overwhelmed and fogged with your workload. You might be suffering self-doubts. 'What if it's not good enough?' This sort of feeling can render us powerless to take action. You end up doing that ostrich thing by burying your head in the sand and hope it goes away. Some people spend this period of time 'planning' to do those tasks, making schedules when they have no intention of getting done a task at hand. We may be undermining our own confidence and self-belief. If you constantly and repeatedly play down your strengths and replay areas that we perhaps didn't perceive ourselves to be successful we are reinforcing the negatives. The trick is to become aware that you are doing it. Acknowledge the feeling and listen to the inner you that bigs you up. The hero inside yourself (a bit cliche I know!), the adult figure in your life that always believed in you when you were just a kid.
Your inner critic sometimes just needs to be silenced. Give yourself permission to do that. Don't overplay your weaknesses.   Become a Digital Marketer Free Training videos
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There is no good in me telling you to make a list and stick to it, because this feeling is 'just a feeling' and not necessarily that which holds substance or intuition. In fact, it wants to you power it and give it worth. Perhaps you absorbed negative energy from elsewhere or you are just tired, hungry or bored with your current situation.This means that another part of you needs a rest and is manifesting itself with the need to self-affirm that you do not or can not handle a particular situation.
Sometimes when faced with a challenge and changes we have to make a decision to leave our feelings of familiarity. This feeling makes us want to just go back to how we were before. Are you ready for a change? Start your own online Business now!

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Remember that life's opportunities often lie outside our comfort zone. Your feelings may not be aligned with your true intentions. Conversely, if our feelings come from a positive place you may actually find that they are revealing the truth to you. You just need to validate your own self-worth. If we are waiting for inspiration or a crazy epiphany this may just be another form of procrastination. Occasionally we may make ourselves busy with other things on purpose. These could be more enjoyable on the surface but less important for your own actions.( For example, I could make myself busy sorting out wall displays in my classroom when in actual fact I have 12 sets of 30 exam papers to mark and the marks should have been done yesterday! I know that in reality this is an extreme example and I know I would not have let it built it to that level!) 


Try to find enjoyment in what you do and remember to keep things in perspective. You do need sleep, you do deserve five minutes peace in the day and you do deserve to have a passion for your job. If you don't then its time for a change. Steps to online success.

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What is the real issue?
Whatever your problem- be it workload, lack of time to get things done, or lack of personal confidence or energy there is always a solution.
Image result for gratitude  Attraction marketing (Free training)
a) SELF TALK- it is so important to give yourself reasons to get the task that is hanging over your head just done. Without engaging in worry which is just going to drag you done, stay calm, take a few deep breaths and go for it.
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b) TACKLE THE HARDEST FIRST- the hardest tasks are the ones that allow your stress levels to rocket on a subconscious level. Once you've got rid of them the rest will begin to seem like a piece of cake. Reward yourself and give yourself a pat on the back. 
Image result for tackle the hardest problem on your plate Ready for change?
c) PROMPT ACTION>Instead of spending any unnecessary time in worry-just start the task at hand asap.

Based on your experience of the present feeling of excessive workload, try being more proactive in future.
Foreseeing future occurrence of similar tasks means that you are mentally prepared for them. You can then pace yourself and take on board most things that are thrown at you. 

Remember you will only think you are sinking if you can't control and manage your workload. Good management of your time and effort will leave you more resilient and buoyant.

I found that practicing gratitude, saying thank you for all of my experiences and challenges with a meditation on helping others, made me generally more positive and a happier employee.
Perhaps this will help you too.

Wishing you a positive day!


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Tuesday 6 February 2018

Relaxation tips for the over worked

It doesn't matter what you do for a living. Sometimes you just find that you are just absolutely shattered. Be it a day's labour or an accumulation of days and days of working continuously, you may find that it is beginning to catch up with you. Something will begin to suffer. It could manifest itself in many ways.

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  •  Physical symptoms- Poor health, spots, rashes, increased wrinkles, stomach upsets or bloating, colds/flu/virus susceptibility, weight loss/gain.*

  •  Psychological symptoms- poor memory, bad eyesight/hearing loss, tiredness, insomnia, depression, mental fatigue etc.*
(*Please see a medical professional if any of these persist)

The thing we always need to do is to find more time. More time to spend with the family or spouse, friends or work colleagues. More time organising our little boxes of needs that don't actually include us at all! Its always about everything and everybody else!
Now I'm not for one second suggesting that we in some way neglect those. However the first thing we need to do is to sort ourselves out before we tackle the much required jobs on our list. I am also saying that being on social media or watching television for fun or just to catch up on the current events is still zapping some much needed time on ourselves. It still involves looking at a screen and zaps our energy.

So the problem lies where we don't seem to find time for ourselves to purely relax.
 Methods of relaxation people often use are:

Breathing focus- Breathing in and out in a controlled timely manner
Guided Imagery- Using inspirational or pleasant pictures to change your mental focus
Meditation-Calming the senses and self reflection on peace or representation of peacefulness
Repetitive prayer - chanting, singing hymns or making affirmations linked to a higher state
Yoga- fixed poses that increase suppleness and physical stamina
Self-hypnosis- using a trusted guide you can reaffirm and visualise your desired outcomes (Work from home)

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I personally try a number of these. Perhaps not everyday but as and when the need arises.

The secret to relaxation is finding small snippets of time when these can be done and where they can be done. This requires a bit of rejuggling and organisation. Plan for and integrate these throughout your working day.
The following example is based on my own personal circumstance and you could adapt this to plan your own schedule accordingly.

Problem                                                                      Solution
Getting stuck in traffic                                               Leave 15 minutes earlier from home.
Being at work indoors all day                                    Have a 20 minutes walk at lunchtime-
                                                                                    (even eat lunch in the break)
Rushing around in the morning                                 Get bag packed ready the night before.

Lethargy in the evening                                              Spend 30 minutes in the bath in silence
Shopping needs doing                                                Shop online
Marking and planning                                                Prioritise well in advance before deadline

Some things stop you relaxing because it hangs over your head and drains you. You may find misplaced items or lost items cause you hassle purely because you felt unprepared to deal with it. The tip here is to regain control and spend some useful time recharging.

If you find that you are that over working that you can't find that 'window' of quiet time then something has got to give. Think of the long term ideas for yourself.. it might mean going part time, changing your job or career completely. Or it may require you to retrain or utilise your current skills but apply those skills in another way. You could teach those skills to others and then get the freedom you deserve. * ( Free videos on working from home

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Whatever you decide, put yourself first even if it is just for a while. You can't look after others' needs unless you can first take stock yourself. New mothers are often encouraged to take time off away from their newborns for the reason that if they recharge themselves then they will be better mums!  It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman. You still need to rest up. Students revising for their exams are told-' Go on, take a break and come back to it afterwards'. It simply makes you more efficient and refreshed. A holiday does not necessarily mean a break and very often people come back needing a holiday from the holiday! The old cliche goes 'a change is as good as a rest'. Make those changes for your own benefit and remember that no-one will tell you to stop marching on that metaphoric treadmill. Many people hold on to baggage, old resentments, disappointments and grudges. Recharging gives you time to process those and stay afloat, say goodbye to them and let them go. Worrying also can drag you down. If thought processes are continuing like that for some time they become reinforced. This then becomes your reality and you find that the same problems keep reoccurring over and over again.

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To conclude it is vital for you to follow a method of relaxation. Whatever works for you. Personally I have learnt the hard way. I have worked myself too hard in the past but now I've begun to take steps to put myself in a position where I just do what I can. I consider myself fortunate and things have become much easier. I just accept what can be done and enjoy each moment!

Sending you abundance and joy!
